What we do

Stratford Scribes is an informal and supportive writing group, meeting weekly over ten sessions on Wednesday mornings during term times. It caters for a range of writers from beginners to the more experienced and is facilitated by Cathy Whittaker.

The morning is loosely structured into two halves. The first hour concentrates on writing exercises that will develop and stretch your writing ability. The exercises are linked to the craft of writing and cover for example, such subjects as, ‘Show not Tell’ ‘Point of View’ ‘Plot’. We often include more unusual subjects such as ‘Ekphrasis’ or some work on ‘The Writing Process’. Or we might do a session on Flash Fiction or Writing for Magazines. We also include Poetry (this might be on a form such as the Sonnet or Villanelle) and Memoir. The exercises generate ideas and discussion, and some great writing. They also serve to introduce or remind the members of good writing techniques.

The second hour is a feedback session. The members will bring in their own work – could be something they are writing at home or could be taken from the homework ideas that Cathy suggest. They have an enjoyable and constructive session in which helpful suggestions are made. The group is very supportive and the criticism given is always constructive. Homework is not an expected requirement. We all write at our own speeds. This part is very flexible and variable.

Forgot to mention but very important, we have coffee at half time! 

At the end of the term Cathy will ask for suggestions, so that the members have a chance to work on something that they are interested in. She includes these in the guide that she writes each term. The guide also gives ideas for homework – which are entirely optional. Sometimes people find it useful to have a prompt to work from and others are already working on something of their own.  

If you want to give it a try, your first session is free. No obligation. If you wish to then join, a pro-rata fee is payable for the rest of term, less the first free session, of course. Please Contact us if you are interested and would like more information.